The Christmas holidays were filled with so much love and food, family and friends. This year I created most of the gifts for my loved ones, and you know what, it felt so much better then buying anything ever has. NOT to say that it doesn't mean as much to pick out a present that will be just as a appreciated, but I really felt the thanks when each of them found out I made their gift. It wasn't anything extravagant, place mats for the adults, all of them loved that I took the time to create something just for them. My Nana received a beautiful purple infinity scarf and was so very happy with it, I chose the fabric because it was so her. A few blankets for the kids and their reactions were priceless "this is my favouitest blanket ever" one proclaimed and the other jumped up and down as he squealed. Pjs for the boys, which were a bit too loooooong for 11 year olds but hemming can always be fixed (thank goodness) but overall I think they were appreciated. Baking is always a hit as well, truffles and snickerdoodles for one and all!

I really realized that we don't need to over spend and get super stressed about money. It's the little things, like creating a gift or just spending time with one another that truly counts. My family and friends are so generous, I am so very thankful for all that I received over Christmas. Definitely the season of giving! Hoping your Holiday season was filled with so much love, that you feel full and excited to greet the new year with joy and enthusiasm.