There are a plethora of shops to go to while in Vegas! Every hotel basically has it's own mall of High end to reasonably priced stores. This being my first time in Vegas I was in awe, they all are pretty much bright, bold and beautiful. This H&M was in Caesar's Palace and I love the cut out light fixtures on the wall, this store was massive! Everywhere you look there is some sort of colourful, bright inspiration that can lead you to the next fabulous idea. From flower/garden displays to an entire window of sewing machines(in which I almost fainted I might add). Vegas is definitely the place to go to explore, party and get married. This beautiful chapel my Mom and I found at the Flamingo would blow you mind on how elegant it is. I feel if I were going to get married in Vegas it would absolutely be in the Garden Chapel at the Flamingo, not tacky but classy. Showing at the 'Fashion Show' mall was an amazing experience also, I won't get into details but I had to buy a whole new wardrobe, where else would be better but a mall called The Fashion Show. Awesome! Overall I would say fashion and shopping go hand in hand when visiting Vegas, you must do a little bit of everything.

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