Sunday, 26 February 2017

Dress Making Report: I LOOOOOVE Gold!

Twelve yards of sparkly golden tulle was spread all over my studio floor as I began to create this ahhhhhmazing skirt for a photo shoot at the end of January. This soft yet BOLD fabric left an imprint on me ❤. Everything in my house is now covered in golden sparkles, but who doesn't love a little bit of that kind of dust!

The shoot was fantastic, I love working with like minded and creative people! Whimsical with an edge, this skirt was brought to life as the model put it on. Her make-up done by Sacha was fierce and beautiful, she has an incredible way of enhancing everything she touches. Thank you so much for including me and I can't wait to do a little something more with this golden beauty.

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Sunday, 12 February 2017

Lifestyle: Self Care

Hello Sunshine!

Do you ever feel really tired after working your butt off all week, or even running none stop for a whole day?  That's your body saying, "Let's rest," my love. There were long periods of time that I used to go, go, go and do everything that I had to do including things that others asked of me. After my concussion in the summer, learning to say no was an absolute must. Almost 6 months later, and still having symptoms, I have to really pay attention to my body and how much I can do. It really was a blessing though, because now I listen when I am exhausted instead of trying to do more and pushing myself way too hard.  Sleep is incredibly important whether you have a head injury or not, it allows us to regenerate and be able to go full force again.

Take time for YOU, every week or better yet every single day, so that you can be the best you there is! We can not help anyone if we don't take care of ourselves first. I know, I know easier said than done sometimes, but just learn that you are just as important as anyone or anything else. 

Have a relaxing night with someone you love, friends, family whoever that may be. Do some yoga, or an exercise that moves your body where you feel relaxed and nurtured after. Meditate, have a nap, go to bed early, whatever you need to do, DO IT! I promise you will get all the things you need done and even better when you do this for yourself. 

Oh yeah, and LAUGH, get that funny bone tickled! Laughter helps every cell in your body feel ecstatic, so watch that HI-larious comedy or cat video. You'll thank yourself later.

So much love for you my friend.

I hope this serves you.

Your Designer,

Amanda Garrett

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